Guess what these pictures represent? I never knew until the sender told me. These are pictures on garage doors. Whomever is the artist sure knows how to paint showing three dimensions.
I will go outside shortly to plant my two tomato plants. I strip off the lower leaves and plant is laying down. This gives it more roots so support the plant.
I am nearly finished with Shell Games, the book on poachers in the northwest. It sure is a good book.
I recorded four hours of BookTV last night, one hour for a book I already have on order and three more hours on books that sound interesting.
Have you voted already. I voted last week but my ballot is still here. I need to take it the library on Tuesday.
I have jury duty tomorrow. I called to find out that Marion County wants jurors numbers 1 to 309. My number is 55 so I am going there. I rather doubt I will be chosen. I know most judges here and many of the attorneys who appear in court there.
I am taking my Kindle with me tomorrow when I go the courthouse.
Happy Mother's Day to every mother who reads this.
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