Hi again:
This cartoon is how I feel. I read two books so far on the crisis. I recently read Too Big to Fail. That book is a good indictment of these banks. With the recent profits of these banks I believe they are doing the same thing that caused the crisis.
I have eight books here to read in the next three weeks. I am currently reading Pearl of China.
Sitting here with me are these books:
The Seven-Percent Solution
Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare?
The War Lovers
Winston's War: Churchill 1940-1945
Cowboys Full
Cleopatra: A Biography
Hellhound on His Trail
Two are novels, the remaining history.
The trouble this library is that is part of a regional library that gets books to me so very fast. While living in Eugene that library was a single library that took so long to get books. Now I have three more waiting for me at the library. I will not pick those up for a about a week.
24 will be over in two or three weeks, as will Lost. Once that happens I have some weekends coming up doing nothing but watching these series in full.
How is your week going?
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