This picture I took about a month ago on a bike ride around Stayton. These flowers are now gone with others taking the place of daffodils.
I am slowly reading Winston's War. I am trying to read 100 pages a day. At that rate I can get it done Sunday or Monday. It is 486 pages long. A little like watching sausage being made with great details of every day (almost) of Winston Churchill's as Prime Minister.
My next book may be Contested Will: Who Wrote Shakespeare? But since I believe William did write all of the plays and sonnets so I may not to read about the pretenders to his throne.
If not that book, then it will be The War Lovers or Cowboys Full. I also have Hellhound on His Trail, the search for the killer of Martin Luther King.
I was on my bike this morning. I found a rummage sale at St. Mary's School, near here. I bought a lavender plant. How big does lavender get? I am planing it in a hanging basket near the back door. According to novels I read about China, lavender is a popular plant there and a fragrant one too. We shall see if this is the case.
Tomorrow morning I plan on squeezing some oranges for fresh OJ for my breakfast.
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