This picture is the alley behind our house and two other houses. The white door you see is the garage door to our house. In front of that is the parking place for cars for people who live here.
I planted an Early Girl tomato upside down. I used a milk jug. Early Girl is indeterminate, which means the tomatoes come on over time instead of all at once (the latter is determinate). So I have two tomatoes planted in the ground and one planted in the milk jug.
We shall see how this works. I read an article I copied to my Kindle of how to do this. I could have used a pail or big pop bottle. I still may try to do another one with a big pop bottle.
I will take a picture of once I get some tomatoes on it. Early Girl was the type I bought for many years. This was before the Oregon-named tomatoes came out. I almost bought an Oregon Spring tomato plant but it was too big to go through the hole of the milk jug.
The oil still gushes, more than 35 days since the leak started. Why did not BP have a contingency plan to cover a situation like this? Did they believe the blow out preventer would solve all problems? As a result of this, I will never go to a BP gas station again. That company deserves to be dissolved and all assets sold to cover this cleanup.
Should I read my book or start watching Lost or 24? That is the question facing me. We shall see how goes today. I am listening to Sunday Morning Edition on NPR as I write this. I don't listen on my radio. Instead I go to and pick the stories I want to hear. I don't listen to all of them if they don't interest me.
I may go to a few steaks to cook later today.
Have a good holiday weekend.
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