I solved the problem with Real Player. I had to delete my current version and download it again. Once that happened, I could hear the copies I made.
But my Real Player library only had 3 of the 14 disks from The Lost Symbol, so I had to order it again from the library. I am the 26th person to request it so there may be some time before I get it again. Although I see Stayton is getting a copy but it is not cataloged yet. If no one else from Stayton ordered it, then I will be first in line to get it early next week. We shall see how this goes.
The top picture is from our local library, the stacks in the library.
The bottom picture are the Twin Galaxies, a photo taken by Hubble.
We have some fresh corn here from our local farm stand. It is the end of the corn season here, so we got 19 ears of corn for $2.00. Two ears of corn were my lunch today, with ice cream for dessert.
I found today the CDs I brought back with me from China. I forgot how I put them, but it is so nice to find them again. I have been listening to The Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Great music for this Saturday afternoon.
Have a good Saturday.
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