The picture here shows you can even put electric motor, batteries and every thing else in an older car, this one is an old VW bug.
I am preparing to make another batch of sauerkraut. I made the brine already, but it must cool to room temperature before I can pour it over the shredded cabbage. I bought another box of Kosher salt as I must use this salt in the brine and in the cabbage. I don't know why Kosher salt is preferred over regular salt.
I am reading a book by Peter Maass called Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil. It is an interesting book. We have past the peak of oil and the scarcity is coming. The book also talks about the plunder of some of the countries leaders. I do not believe in hell, but I hope there is a special place for these jerks after they die.
Nolan's dad wrote many poems when he was alive. I am publishing a book of his poems on the Kindle page. Yesterday, I found three epic poems he wrote. All of his poems are spiritual in nature, so I am calling the series of book of poems: Poems of the Spirit. Subsequent books, containing the epic poems, are to be called Poems of the Spirit II and III and IV.
I do not know how many of my readers have a Kindle like I do. Go to Amazon.com to see the latest in Kindle prices. The Kindle 1, the same as I have, is much less (in the range of 100 of dollars) than what I paid for mine. There is also the Kindle 2, the best selling of the Kindles so far. It has text-to-speech capabilities. It will read the books to you like books on tape. I am happy with my Kindle 1 though. There is the newer Kindle DX, a much bigger Kindle, but it costs nearing $500.
Books at the Kindle store are much cheaper than what you buy them for in a hardbound edition. For example, The Lost Symbol cost me $9.99. Since my dad shares his Kindle account with me, I can download this book to his Kindle without any extra cost. So, two weeks ago, I turned his Kindle on and downloaded that book to his Kindle.
The Kindle store has many more free books also. I do not like reading magazine articles or newspaper articles on my computer screen. So I copy the article over to Word, and then send to the @free.kinde.com and get it back within seconds in the proper format to be read on my Kindle. I then attach the USB cord between my computer and my Kindle to download the article to the Kindle. I have so much to read my Kindle now, I need to set aside some time each day to start reading all of this stuff.
On top of all of this, I have two library books to read here and six waiting for me at the library, plus the movie Twilight.
Have a good week. It will be a great weekend if the Ducks win and the Beavs lose.
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