How are you doing on this Saturday, probably the last good weekend for a long time.
I did my laundry yesterday and I was able to hang my clothes outside, again, probably for the last time.
In China no one has dryers so we always hung our clothes either outside or on a rack in a bedroom.
The pictures here are my family. The top picture shows my Dad, my niece Valarie, and my brother Ken. Valarie just got back from 11 months in Iraq. She is in the Marines and a helicopter pilot. Her next assignment is in North Carolina. My brother lives in Maryland and is out here for a visit. Valarie is the daughter of Ken, one of the triplets.
The bottom picture is my dad and his wife Eleanor.
I recorded Real Time with Bill Mahar last night. A very good liberal program. This program celebrated Obama getting the Peace Prize, so unlike, I imagine the Wingnuts of the Right Wing.
I can go on a rant against the same Wingnuts but I will not do so now. Some other time I will do this.
Time for some breakfast here.
Yesterday I edited my posting four times to try to get the paragraph separation but it did not show up right.
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