How was your weekend?
The two pictures here of whales in the ocean along 101 and Otter Crest Loop. The top picture you can barely see a the back of the whale after he/she blew and took some air. The bottom picture shows a whale getting air.
My weekend was only half good. The Ducks won big but the stupid Beavs won too. As you know my best weekend is when the Ducks win and the hated Beavs lose, hopefully big.
I downloaded seven articles from The New Yorker website this morning. I now have each of them on my Kindle. I find it much easier to read an article on my Kindle rather than on computer screen.
I finished reading And Then the Roof Caved In: How Wall Street's Greed and Stupidity Brought Capitalism to Its Knees by David Faber, the on-air commentator for CNBC. This book concentrates on the four different types of sub-prime mortgages that Wall Street so loved to securitize. This is why our government had to pay a trillion dollars to Wall Street firms and AIG to save them from their greed and stupidity. This is a short book, only 186 pages long but sets out the case against Wall Street so very good.
I have six books here from our local library. I will read only two of them as two are chick-lit novels and one is of no interest to me.
I burned my own copy of the audio CDs of The Lost Symbol. We can listen to it if we go on a long road trip during the next year.
I also burned my own copies of Driveway Moments 4, the NPR CDs on stories that kept you in your driveway listening to the story instead of going into your house or office. I know I have done this on more than a couple of occasions.
Yesterday I made tea instead of coffee. I love Earl Grey tea so that is what I made. I sometimes dunk my chocolate cookies in my tea but no cookies here for the past few months. Maybe that is why I can get into pants that were too tight a few months ago but now fit fine today.
My nephew Chris is writing a blog now. Rather different than what I write about. His blog is at chrisc.blogspot.com.
I have a counter on this blog that tells me more than just how many visits I get each day. It tells me location as well as provides a world map.
Here is a list of the places of where people live who read my blog. Some I can guess but others I have no idea. If you read this blog and your location is listed here, write me an email to tell me who you are. My email address is schwindt68@hotmail.com
Stayton, Oregon.
Wayland, Michigan.
Portage, Indiana.
West Roxbury Mass.
Toronto Canada.
Redding PA.
Hillsdale Illinois.
Scio Oregon.
Eugene Oregon.
New York.
Portland Oregon.
Laie Hawaii.
Mesa Arizona.
Hong Kong.
Sidney Australia.
Galveston Texas.
Omaha Nebraska.
Again, if you see your place on this list write me an email to tell me who are.
I do hope your week goes well.
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