Good morning:
These square watermelons are from Japan. They grow them in the glass you see in green here. There, a square watermelon costs $82. A regular watermelon costs between $12 and $24 there.
I may try to do this next year with some tomatoes. Finding square glass to surround the tomato. We shall see how it goes.
According to our outside temperature gauge here yesterday, around 5:00 pm it got to 100 degrees here, 38 degrees Celsius. How hot did you see it yesterday?
I am reading Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part I. I belong to an online community that goes over Shakespeare plays. I got involved a month or so ago with Othello, but they were near the end of it. I have finished the first act of this new play. I read it back in college when I took a year of Shakespeare, reading all of his plays and all of the sonnets.
I wish I had my textbook from my class. It is in China now but I am going to Portland tomorrow so I may stop at Powell's to see if they have it there.
I am reading the play on my Kindle. My previous download did not have an active table of contents. By "active" I mean clicking on the play in the table of contents takes you to the beginning of the play. I got that previous download for free but I could not find plays on that version. So I deleted it and bought a new Shakespeare text for my Kindle for .99. It suppose to have analysis of the plays but I don't see it there.
I am more than half way through now The Book of William. He is following who owned the First Folio. It appears Samuel Johnson owned it until his death. Now he is out to find who owned it.
I hope my upside down tomato survives. This morning, after watering twice yesterday this morning it was drooping quite a bit. I watered and watered it, including spraying it with water to hydrate it. I may have to water it three times a day during this hot weather.
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