Hello again:
I am not writing here as much as I want. I need to make time each day to post something here.
I finished Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man. It amazes me what meth does to a person. With just two times of smoking it you are hooked.
This morning I subscribed to The New York Times Book Review and American Scholar for my Kindle. The first two weeks of my subscriptions are free. I will check both out to see how much I like each in the next few weeks to determine if I want to keep the subscriptions going.
The book review comes out every week. American Scholar comes out quarterly.
I have not decided on my next book. I have a few here to chose from plus six more at the library.
I see I am getting tomatoes on my planter that is growing up-side-down. This is an Early Girl plant so the tomatoes do not get very big. I have many and many more tomatoes on my two Willamette plants in the ground. I will post a picture of my up-side-down plant in the next few days.
Three weeks from tomorrow my Kindle 3 ships from Amazon. I selected free shipping so it take 3 days to get here.
The picture above is self-explanatory.
The weekend starts soon.
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