This picture is another Canadian billboard. Click on it to enlarge it to see what it says, quite un-politically correct.
I was wrong when I told you that William Shakespeare, in Shakespeare in Love, gave Viola a quarto of Romeo & Juliet. Watching it again last night, I see he gave her a folio, where you open it like a book, but with the dimensions of a phone book.
Reading the Book of William, I know there are 238 first folios. The best one is in a university in Japan. The last one sold for $12 million. We don't know who bought it, but it may have been Bill Gates.
I did finish Map of Bones last night. It was unbelievable plot line. Near the end the Sigma operatives find the grave of Alexander the Great. They found it with little leads and I found it so unbelievable. The Da Vinci Code and The Last Symbol were believable. I plan to read no more books by James Rollins.
This Friday my Kindle 3 will be shipped to me, probably from California. I should get in a few days after that. I selected free shipping from Amazon instead of paying an extra $7.00 for two day shipment. I suspect I will get it on Monday or Tuesday of next week.
I found it is the same size as my Kindle 1 but much thinner. It is also slate color, not like the white one I have now.
I counted 12 tomatoes on my upside down one today. I should have been getting ripe ones off this Early Girl by now, but I fouled up the root ball when planting it. I know what I did wrong this year so next year I know how to correct those mistakes.
Have a good week.
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