The picture here shows the 2 quarts of tomatoes I canned on Friday. As you can see I mixed yellow and red tomatoes. My first time canning tomatoes so I was sort of flying blind. As I said in an earlier post, I added garlic powder and dill to each jar.
I had a few prunes left over from the canning of 14 quarts so I cooked them up. I love cooked, or stewed, prunes. I made some brownies to go with the prunes. I am finishing off both today.
I found 3 good articles to read from the opinion page of The Sunday Oregonian. I wanted to cut them out but the front page overlapped the jump to the second page. So, I found each on The Oregonian's webpage, www.oregon.live.com and copied each to Word then sent them to the (my name)@free.kindle.com. I then added each to my Kindle to read each of them there.
Time to start reading again.
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