Well, I canned 14 quarts of prunes today as well as 2 quarts of tomatoes. I got the tomatoes from my plants outside. They look strange in that we have 3 yellow tomato plants and 1 red plant so each jar has mixture of each in them.
I did not know what to put in the tomatoes, so I added some garlic powder and some dill. With that I added hot water.
Right now the last two quarts of prunes and the 2 quarts of tomatoes are cooking now. In about 10 minutes the canner will be done.
The picture here is an engine in an electric car. Very complex. We plan to buy a kit to convert our first car once we get going. We can use the instructions from the kit to work on subsequent cars.
I am nearly out of jars now. I can call the lady I bought my first 3 dozen jars to see if she has any more left. She is selling all of her canning supplies as she sold her farm. We got the first 3 dozen for $10.00. She actually gave me 20 wide-mouth jars instead of 12; she just cleared her shelf as she put the jars in the box.
With all of this canning, I am thinking of canning the next tuna we get. We can go to Newport to get a tuna off the boat. I have never canned meat before so I do wonder how to do it. I could ask my father. When he was growing up, his family either canned or smoked all the meat they got, whether it was salmon, deer or a bear. With no refrigeration, this is how they preserved meats.
I seem to be writing more on this blog than I did on my old one. It is just nicer feel to it than what Yahoo had on its now-defunct blog site.
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