This is what 10 pounds of prunes look like when they are dried. They filled half a bucket when fresh and fill a medium bowl after dried.
I am thinking about getting another 10 pounds of prunes, cooking them up and then freezing the cooked prunes. I love cooked prunes as well as every other way of eating prunes. So now I have canned prunes, fresh prunes, cooked prunes and dried prunes.
Here is the story about some of my experience in glee club at Regis High School. Like I told you, I was ordered to go to auditions by the principal/priest at Regis. During the start of my senior year in 1967 the principal announced no club would have to raise any money for any project during my senior year. That was fine until spring time when the combined boys' glee and girls' chorus decided to make a bus trip up through western Washington to perform at some Catholic schools there. But the group and teacher decided we need to raise money for this trip by selling candy. I reminded everyone the Principal's declaration the previous fall of no fundraising during our year.
I lost the argument but I announced I was not going to sell any candy. The teacher told me I would not be going on the trip if I did not sell any candy. I stuck to my guns. I was not going to sell any candy. The teacher told me then if I did not go on the trip I would lose the one credit hour for the class. I told her I did not care; I did not need the one credit hour to graduate.
The teacher, a nun, reminded me again that I was the MC for the group, announcing the various acts and songs and they had no one else willing to do this. Again, I did not care; I was not going to sell any candy.
A few of my female classmates came to me to try to convince me to sell candy. I told them no I was not going to do this. Then unbeknowst to me, a few of those girls checked out candy in my name and sold it to reflect that I sold the candy. I got upset at them for doing this but the teacher told me I could go on the trip as "you sold some candy..."
On the bus trip we played hearts on the long trip. Unknown to me, some girls behind me were signaling to the others where my Queen of Spades was in my hand. Once I realized this I held my cards to the ceiling of the bus so no one could see them.
I had a very low opinion of the the Regis girls' uniform until I went on this trip. I saw some pretty ugly uniforms on this trip. After this trip I ended up liking the Blackwatch plaid of the Regis girls' uniforms. I even bought a pair of boxer shorts of Blackwatch plaid. I also had a Pendleton shirt of Blackwatch plaid.
Have a good and short week.
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