Yet again another cool morning.
The picture here is part of the Salt Mine of Lewis & Clark. Two came to Seaside to find a good source of salt, for preserving meat. They mined it here for the length of their stay during the rainy season on the northern Oregon coast.
If you saw Sunday Morning on CBS today, you saw a report on the world's best health care system, which is from France. Good report. It costs the French government $3,400 per person per year for the health care system. In the U.S. we pay twice that much with 46,000,000 still uninsured.
I am still reading China Price. It is indeed a good book, going through the elements of the China Marketplace. Workers there work at least six days a week, making about $125.00 per month; even less in the "shadow factories," those places the factory owner create to keep the Walmart and Target auditors away from these where people work seven days a week for as little as 10 cents a day. The factory still has a "show factory" following the rules of the American companies.
I did not make it to the library yesterday. I have two books to finish before I head out there to get the six books waiting for me. My other book is The Book of William: How Shakespeare's First Folio Conquered the World. At 240 pages is short and will take me just a few days to read it.
Today I am watching Game 6 of the 2004 ALS between the Red Sox and Yankees. This is the year the Red Sox came back from 0-3 deficit to beat the Yanks 4-3 in the series. The Sox went on to to win their first World Series in 86 years. I did not see these games when they were on. Now ESPN Classic is showing the series. I taped this game a few days ago.
Hope you are enjoying your cold weekend.
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