The picture is from the engine compartment of an electric car I saw at the June meeting of the Oregon Electric Car Association. These are lithium ion batteries. We need about 75 to 100 of these batteries in a car we convert. But we are using lithium ion ferrous phosphate batteries. We get them from a Chinese company at a fraction of the cost we would pay for straight lithium ion batteries here, to the tune of a cost difference of $2,000 between the ones from China and the ones we can get from the U.S.
We are going to the Oregon Electric Car Association meeting later this afternoon. The first half an hour we look at other electric cars brought to the 2 World Trade Center in Portland. After that we have about an hour-long meeting.
We figured out how to put fountain pen ink into a cartridge for a desk jet type printer. The black ink goes employ after about a month. It costs $31.00 to replace on, so just add ink from a jar of fountain pen ink with a syringe. Works just fine...
I am almost finished with Jericho's Fall. It is an interesting book but not the page-turner like you get with a David Baldacci book. It has taken me five days to get through this book, I usually read a book every three days if I can.
I bought 24 wide mouth canning jars yesterday. I do plan on canning some peaches later this summer.
I have five books here from the Stayton Library and now I find I have five more waiting for me at the library.
One of the books I have here is Hunting Eichmann by Neal Bascomb. I may not read this book as about 10 years ago I went to the library here to get some contemporary documents on the the hunt and capture of Eichmann by Israeli commandos. I got from the library Life magazine and other documents from the time of the capture.
Enjoy the rest of this week.
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