Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mid-week now


It sure gets dark early these days. By 5:30 pm today it was dark as it could be already.

I am now reading Dreaming in Chinese. Deb Fallows spent years in China with her husband, James Fallows. I am curious about this book.

I need to start my study of Mandarin again. I have been neglecting it since returning from China.

I am working on two different projects now. I hope to have both finished by the end of this month.

I may try to deep fry my turkey this year, but I will have to watch it closely for the hour it takes to deep fry a turkey.

I see the new Harry Potter movie will start on Nov. 18 at the Star Cinema in Stayton. I may go the movie to see it. It costs me $5.00 to go to a movie here.

I forgot to look for cane juice crystals at Costco today. I will try Safeway tomorrow. If I cannot find it I will use regular sugar in the recipe.

If you want to comment on my blog, there is a place at the end of each post for you to write a comment.

Let me see if I can prompt a comment. I am liberal and proud of it. I never vote for a R. I don't go to Church anymore because I have no faith. I don't believe the christmas stories nor do I believe that he resurrected. Between those two events (actually non-events) we do not know any thing that happened to Christ. I believe Phillip Pullman's book The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ as I believe in the bible. In the book, instead of one Jesus there are twins.

But most of all, as I said, I have NO faith.


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