Hello again:
I got 20 pounds of prunes today, to go with the 10 pounds I got earlier. Today I made up 8 quarts of canned prunes. Plus I made up 2 pints of prune jam. It set up quite good, so tomorrow I will make some more prune jam with the big bowl of prunes I still have in my refrigerator.
That took most of the day today so I did not get much else done today. No reading nor any other work. A good time of year with prunes and peaches coming on strong.
I am about 100 pages into The Invisible Bridge, a novel of Europe as World War II approaches. I cannot predict what will happen to the main three characters, as it depends on what the main one does. He is thinking of becoming Catholic, giving up his Jewish religion. We shall see if he goes through this...I rather doubt it.
I picked a dozen tomatoes off my two in-ground plants today. It is giving quite a few tomatoes now. I found a non-spicy recipe for salsa so tomorrow I will make some of that. I bet I took off three dozen tomatoes so far. The brand I have in the ground is Willamette. I will plant any tomatoes with an Oregon name. Oregon Spring; Siletz, Willamette. Next summer I will plant Oregon Spring in the ground and Siletz in my upside down one.
Some of the tomatoes I picked today were not quite ripe so I added a banana to the group in a big pan as a banana gives off gases that ripens tomatoes. Early last week, I put two bananas next to perfectly green tomatoes and within a week they were turning color. Now I have 3 green tomatoes next to a group of bananas. I want to see how long it takes these very green tomatoes to turn color.
The picture here is one of the St. Louis Arch at night. My next few pictures will show the Atlantic Ocean, a much more mild ocean than what we see on our coast here.
I trust your week is going well.
I cut my index finger on my left hand very deep today when I was cutting the lemon rind into my prune jam. It bled and bled. But now I have stopped the flow of blood and have a big band aid on it.
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