Good morning:
I finished Colossus. It is a very good history of the 1920's. Men working on the dam earned only $5.00 a day, with no overtime, even though they were suppose to pay overtime. The contractor was called The Six Companies, as it was six different companies joining together to build this dam.
Now I am reading The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, a short novel by Stephenie Meyer. She wrote the Twilight series, which I read last year. This novel is very short, only 178 pages.
My dad is bringing me some prunes. I ordered some prunes but they are not here yet. I plan on drying most of them this year. I still have at least 10 quarts of canned prunes left over from last year. This year I am drying at least 40 pounds of prunes.
I ordered a new Kindle two days ago. It is new Kindle 3, the one that costs $139.00. It has just WiFi links, not the WhisperNet that my Kindle 1 has. The new Kindle 3 will link only to hot spots where a WiFi signal is there. With my Kindle 1 I can link and download books anywhere I go. I did it only once, with my Dad's Kindle 1. He wanted on of President Obama books and could not find them at the library.
I was in the car with him, driving to my brother's house in Wilsonville. I got online with his Kindle and found the book for he wanted for $4.00. I bought it and added to his Kindle. (It was added to my Kindle too as we are linked on my account.
My Amazon Kindle page now shows I have 3 Kindles on my management page. I downloaded a few books from my archives (books I got previously from Amazon) to my Kindle 3.
Tomorrow Stayton has its annual festival, Summer Fest. I plan on going to the Firemen's Breakfast then touring the booths set out on 3rd Street.
Have a great weekend.
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