I got back from Portland about an hour ago. I went there to serve some papers on two people that one of my friends is suing. I also got a new coffee grinder. The one I got from my ex-wife does not work all of the time. So I found a great one at Target.
The picture here is Wilco, the farm store here in Stayton. I get my tomatoes and other plants here. It is right next to Safeway.
I am reading The Big Short on my Kindle. It is a very interesting book by Michael Lewis. I waited until this book was reduced to $9.99 before getting it on the Kindle page. I want to read also Why We Hate Oil Companies. But the library does not have it. On the Kindle page it is $14.97, way too much to pay for an ebook. It is only a few dollars cheaper than the hardbound book.
It rained, hailed, thunder and lightening yesterday here. I was going to the library on my bike but the hail prevented that method of travel.
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