This picture is from Dubai. A man-made island with fancy and expensive homes.
Tomorrow I will get some more strawberries. Is the last day to get some. I will get half a crate to make strawberry shortcake. I ate my last one today and they are soooo good.
I am reading Rock Paper Tiger: A Novel by Lisa Brackmann. It is a fast novel, something I needed to read now. I am tired of reading only nonfiction books. I have another novel here, Shanghai Moon. Both novels deal with China. Like I said before I like to read about China.
On the 4th we have a breakfast near here so I will go to that on Sunday. Also a parade at 4:00 p.m. Fireworks at dusk.
I am making ice coffee tomorrow. I made some new ice and my coffee is made already and in the refrigerator.
I went to the library to pick up only two books. But now seven await me there.
The Catholic Church in Stayton is near our house here. The bells ring at 7:00 am. At the start of every Mass, at the end of every mass, at noon, at 6:00 pm every night. I wonder if our Church has actual bells or just a good sound system. I know from my grade school years there were bells in tower, but someone told me at one time after that the priest took out the bells and replaced it with big speakers. I am going over there soon with binoculars to look in the tower.
Even though I was born and raised a Catholic, and attended both St. Mary's Grade School and Regis High School, the two Catholic schools here. I attended Mass every day in grade school. It was held once a week at Regis. We also had to go to Church every Sunday and all the holy days of the Church.
I did go to Mass on Thanksgiving in the year of my accident, thinking I had something to be thankful that year.
But now, with all of the books I read on the Catholic Church and faith, I can tell you know I have no faith at all. I rather doubt God even exists. Certainly everything in the new part of bible, what you call the new testament, is fiction...as fiction as the novels I read today. I don't believe any part of the four gospels. Plus, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John did not write these documents. These were names given to each of the four put in the bible by the Church Council.
There is the Christmas myth and the resurrection story, both of which are not true. Not much in between is not true also.
I can rant and rant about this but most of you know my feelings already, so I will not bore anymore with a further rant.
I live so close to the Church here I can easily walk to Mass every Sunday. I did this twice since returning from China. With no faith anymore I just not see me going to Church anymore.
Enjoy the week and the coming 3 day weekend.