This picture, one of many, I believe came from China. I will post some more in the next few days.
It will get to 66 degrees here today. That is 18.9 C. I plan on mowing the lawn later today and digging out some more places for tomatoes and other vegetables later this spring.
No Book TV today as the Senate is in session. I assume it will not be on at 1:30 am tomorrow morning. I plan on recording a program of an author talking about his book on North Korea, called The Cleanest Race.
I sure hope the Health Care bill passes the House tomorrow. It is NOT a government take-over of health care. That is a right-wing LIE. We need to make the commitment, as a country, that we want cover every citizen with health insurance in this country. Once we make that commitment then we can craft a bill to come to that result.
I can rant and rant on the stupid right wing nuts out there, but I want to go outside soon so that rant will wait until they do something really, really stupid, not that they have not done that already.
Am I the only liberal you know? Being liberal is the only way to see things correctly.
I picked up Liar's Poker, a book by Michael Lewis, from our library today, all in preparation of reading The Big Short, again by the same author.
I just finished Impact, a book by Douglas Preston. I read every book he writes. His books are truly page-turners. I read this book in two nights. Today I went back to re-read the last 50 pages of the book. You read so fast you miss a few facts I missed just two or three unimportant facts the first time I read it. This is a 2009 book, one I missed when it came out.
Time to go outside to get some sun and do some work here.
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