The top picture the Brown house in Stayton, now being remodeled by volunteer help. It was the first hospital in Stayton. My mother was born there.
This bottom picture is the creek that runs by Pioneer Park. This where, many years ago, I took swimming lessons here. The water was much deeper then. On the right side of creek you see cement steps. When I took swimming lessons here the water covering the bottom step.
I took 31 pictures of places around Stayton and they will show up during the next few days.
I was up early today, 5:00 am. I am not tired now, as it is nearly 8:00 am. I worked on my computer, copying articles from The New Yorker and The Washington Monthly. I added quite few more articles to my Kindle. I need to start reading my Kindle more. The page count went from 50 to 58 pages.
I may be going to China in the next few months.
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