James Fallows map I showed yesterday spawned other maps from readers. The black lines in this map shows 38 states with the name inside of each. Instead of calling Oregon Willamette, this one calls it Cascade. Click on it to see a larger version.
I made brownies today but instead of just plain brownies I put banana pieces into this one. I thought of doing this about 10 minutes in the baking time. So a few did not sink in the brownie mix.
I am into reading science fiction these days. Now I am reading Bitter Angels by C. L. Anderson. I have one more book here of science fiction to read, plus I have The Best Sport Stories of Pat Jordan, newspaper articles by this good writer. Flash Forward was also science fiction with the ending sort of like the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
I was in the process submitting a poem by Raymond J. Geraths but after six versions of it ready to go, today I googled the name to make sure this poem was not used before by another author. Much to my surprise. it is not a poem, but a song. The name of the song is To You Sweetheart, Aloha. Over 100,000 hits with the song sung by Bing Crosby, Connie Francis, and Andy Williams. So we cannot use this poem as written the late Raymond Geraths. It was typed out so we cannot trust anything he typed out.
Ray wrote 3 epic poems, one 48 pages, one 54 pages and the last 92 pages. They are called Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification. We are going to use about 14 pages of Redemption as a free item on the Kindle page in order to spur more interest in the first book of poems we published on the Kindle page.
Have a good day.
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