It is quite cold here still. The past few days it was -0- when I got up. Today it warmed up to 4 degrees.
I do not watch local news so I don't know if snow is in the forecast. We would be deep in to snow if we had moisture during this cold break.
The picture here is the bridge at Newport from the distance of a very low tide.
I finished Typhoon last night. Then I had a very weird dream where I was in Shanghai looking for a road address in Stayton. I had my fishing pole with me, so when a large group of us were walking through water, we came to a jetty near the ocean. I caught a small Chinook salmon, but we had to check it if had a clipped fin. Like I said many times, dreams can be fractured fairytales. The story in Typhoon took place first in Hong Kong, moved to Shanghai, went to Beijing and ended up in Shanghai.
Tomorrow I will make some applesauce. I am getting tired of eating apple crisp. So I will mix Granny Smith apples with Fuji apples in this applesauce.
My next book is Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance. I read their first book Freakonomics. I read this latter book before I went to China but now I have it on my Kindle in case I want to refer to it.
I hope you are staying warm.
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