Hi again on Boxing Day and my Feast Day (of Saint Stephen):
The picture here is a deer in Washington D.C. that appeared in the James Fellows email.
Here is a quiz for you. To see if you are like me, a hardcore Oregonian. The article containing this test appeared on Opinion Page of today's Oregonian, an article by Matt Love.
There is no passing score, but the higher the mark, the more hardcore you are.
1. I've visited Timberline Lodge.
2. I've picked blackberries.
3. I've visited Fort Clatsop.
4. I've sat around a bonfire on an Oregon coast beach.
5. I've visited the Oregon Country Fair.
6. I've seen a play at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
7. I've seen a Portland Trail Blazers game live.
8. I've attended a Civil War football game.
9. I've visited Bonneville Dam.
10. I've visited the Capitol building in Salem.
11. I've walked part of the Oregon Trail.
12. I've visited Crater Lake.
13. I've visited Multnomah Falls.
14. I've visited the Tillamook Cheese Factory.
15. I've visited the Wallowa Mountains.
16. I feel depressed when I see a fresh clear-cut.
17. I've hunted game.
18. I know where Celilo Falls used to be.
19. I've seen "Drugstore Cowboy."
20. I own some article of Pendleton Woolen Mills clothing or bedding.
21. I've read something by Stewart Holbrook.
22. I never drink bottled water.
23. I hate pumping my own gas when I visit other states!
24. I've returned cans and bottles and immediately bought more beer.
25. I've had a 10-minute or longer conversation about an Oregon microbrew.
26. I've visited an Oregon winery.
27. I've eaten pears or apples off a tree near Hood River.
28. I've tasted a hazelnut milkshake from Burgerville.
29. I know some of the lyrics to "Louie, Louie."
30. I know who Steve Prefontaine was.
31. I "know" a professional who uses marijuana regularly.
32. I've played Hacky Sack.
33. I know who said, "We want you to visit our State of Excitement often. Come again and again. But for heaven's sake, don't move here to live."
34. I wince when I see an SUV with a California license plate idling in the parking lot of a real estate office.
35. I've started and finished "Sometimes a Great Notion" by Ken Kesey.
36. I've read "Livability" by Jonathan Raymond.
37. I've read an entire book at Powell's while sitting in the coffee room.
38. I've run naked in the Oregon woods, desert or beach.
39. I've either fished for salmon or seen salmon spawn in the wild.
40. I've seen either a coyote, bear, deer or cougar in the wild.
41. I've ridden a bicycle in the past month.
42. I've climbed a tree in the past year.
43. I've attended the Pendleton Round-Up.
44. I've seen the Painted Hills.
45. I've visited the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
46. I've attended the Oregon State Fair.
47. I've either run the Hood to Coast or biked U.S. 101 or climbed Mount Hood or hiked all or part of the Pacific Crest Trail or surfed in Oregon's oceans or windsurfed in the Columbia River.
48. I've cut my own Christmas tree.
49. I've ridden in the Oregon City Elevator.
50. I never use an umbrella!
I answered no on eight of them (19, 21, 22, 27, 36, 38 47 and 50--but not anymore---).
I am making myself another treat today. My cranberry pie is cooking now.
My next fudge I will freeze and open on the 4th of July.
Boxing Day (today, Dec. 26) is celebrated in the British Empire (what is left of it). It for the staff for the upper class who had work on Dec. 25.
How about this, no rant on Christmas in this posting.