It sure rained and blew hard last night. I see on the news that a roof blew off a building in Seaside last night.
The picture here is rock cliff just east of Newport.
I have a friend who owns some property east of Stayton, on Old Mehama Road. They want to sell their property. Here are the facts on the property.
Three tax lots, totaling 7 acres.
Triple wide mobile home on a foundation.
Two bedrooms
Two full bathrooms
Two car garage
Shop and stall barns for livestock
Two wood-burning fireplaces
Very nice kitchen
Jetted tub in master bedroom
Fenced yard
Fenced livestock area
Deck with nice entertainment area
I have some pictures if you want to see some. (The picture here is NOT the property).
If you want see it, the address is 18074 Old Mehama Road, Stayton Oregon 97383.
Original price was $250,000 but now it is $235,000.
Write me (schwindt68@hotmail.com) or call me (503-871-0201) if you have any interest in seeing this property.
I am nearly finished with Where Men Win Glory. In the last 75 pages we get the details of how Pat Tillman died of friendly fire. His unit was split into two units, one to take a disabled Humvee to a paved road so a tow truck could get it. The other half paralleled the first unit to go a village thought to hold Taliban fighters. On a hill above the second unit going to the village gunshots were coming from the hill above the east from Taliban. The first unit thinking it was coming from all Taliban shot and shot and shot at the other half of its unit, killing Pat and wounding others.
I hope the President reads this book. I hope he decides to get out Afghanistan and Iraq at the same time. He is taking a long time to make his decision on sending more troops there. I hope he decides not to send more troops there and instead starts reducing out numbers there, getting out of there by March 1, 2010.
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