This is my second post here at this new blog site.
Again if you are reading it here, remember to bookmark this site: http://steveninoregon.blogspot.com
The picture here is the Salt Works in Seaside, near the ocean. This is where two from the Lewis and Clark expedition camped here and found an excellent place to boil sea water for the salt in it. They used the salt as a preservative for foods on the trip back to Washington DC. But to me it seems a long way from the campsite above Astoria. Who knows unless it is one of the diaries kept by the travelers. I just do not know...
There is no way to see if anyone is reading this blog. In my old blog there is a counter and as of yesterday the count of views of my blog was 7, 816. I will have to explore this site more to see what options I have here.
I know the picture is placed differently here. In addition, it takes bigger size pictures than what 360.yahoo took.
Tonight we are going to the Oregon Electric Car meeting in Portland. If any of you want to go with us, just give me a call (503-871-0201). The first hour is looking at the electric cars that members drive to the meeting. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm with this viewing of cars. I posted pictures of some of the cars there. It opens one eyes to see the different types of electric cars. If you are in or around Portland, the viewing and the meeting is at 2 World Trade Center, at Salmon and 1st Streets.
Onto different books now. A new Lincoln Childs and Douglas Preston book and The Sign by Raymond Khoury. So my poor Kindle just sits and sits.
Time for some lunch here.
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