How are you doing the week of the 4th of July? What are your plans for the weekend of the 4th? The 4th is on Saturday this year, which means most of you will take Friday off to make this a 3-day weekend.
The top picture here shows the seals waiting for the offal from cleaned fish in Depoe Bay.
The second picture shows the fresh tuna we bought in Newport yesterday. We had it cleaned and took it home whole. The next time we will have the guy cut the fish into steaks instead of having me to do it again. I had trouble cutting the tuna so the steaks are very big.
I finished reading American Buffalo: In Search of a Lost Icon by Steven Rinella. It is a very good book. Then yesterday the Sunday Oregonian had a big story titled To Kill a Buffalo. Nice juxtaposition to have both stories one after the other. The newspaper story quotes from the book also.
We are trying to make arrangements to be at the coast this coming weekend for the 4th. We shall see if we can find an open place this late in the game.
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