Thursday, February 28, 2013

the last day of February....

Hi again:

This picture is from the parade last year on the 4th of July.  It was very hot that day.

I am finishing up Why I am A Catholic.  A good history of the church by the author who wrote Papal Sins.  He does not believe in the pope and neither do I.  I don't care who the next pope will be.

I have a book here from our local library called Dogfight, the 2012 election told in verse.  It is very funny especially the stuff about the loser of the presidential race.

Five to ten bars of gold will be here next week.  Before Helen arrives here.

Not much else happening here.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, Monday, so good to me...

This picture is from a Kunming China garden I visited while there.

Not much happening here these days. 

I just re-read The Da Vinci Code over two days. 

Now I am reading Garry Wills book Why I am Catholic.  It is a great history of the church and why we did not have a pope until the 7th century. 

I have one other book here by Garry Wills and another waiting for me that our local library.  He started out as a conservative but now a flaming liberal like me.I saw him on C-Span 2 last weekend talking about his new book, The Priesthood, a Failed Tradition.  That is the book waiting me at the our local library. His other books I have is What the Gospels Meant.  Great to  be reading so much these days.

Reading and reading, my avocation.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


This picture is Kunming Lake.  It is a big lake next to the mountains of Kunming. 

I am now reading The Coming of the Third Reich, then it will be The Third Reich in Power and last book is The Third Reich at War.  I have 3 books on my Kindle.

I just finished reading Fast Food Nation again. I read it about 10 years ago and just re-read it.

Today is Sunday.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

H today...

This picture is my wife. I hope to see her next week.

I am now reading Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.  I like to read everything about China but I have no plans on ever going to go back to China.

This book is a long one, 743 pages.  So you know what I will be doing for the next few days. Reading and reading.

This morning I will be listening to seminar on ebooks.  It lasts one hour and comes from my computer.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ground Dog

Hi again:

This picture is from Church on Christmas day.

Nothing today.

I am reading on Kindle The Last Lion: Winston Spencer 1940-1965.

Helen will be week.
