Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Cooler today....

Such a nice picture.

I am now reading The Collector, a book about David Douglas by Jack Nisbet.  It is very good.

I am also reading Berlin Game by Len Deighton.

Also I am  fishing.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thursday today....

A picture from the Spring.

I am now reading God, Country and Coca-Cola.   I read this book many years ago but I am now reading it again.

I am also reading a few Sherlock Holmes stories.

I have two books waiting my library.

I have been fishing.

I caught two fish.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday now...

This picture is from Xi'an. 

I finished the first book of Civil War.  It is called The Civil War: Fort Sumter to Perryville.  

I am now reading  Whitey Bulger: America's Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt that Brought Him to Justice.  I saw the authors in Book TV a week ago.  I got this book from our local library.

I am also reading a Sherlock Holmes story.

I have been fishing in North Santiam River.  I have a new fly rod and I am using it.

Not much else happening here.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday and it hot here.

This picture is from Summer Fest.

It hot here.

I will want Mass 8:00 a.m.  Sunday.

I am still reading the book on the Civil War. 

I also reading Gulp by Mary Roach.

I more for sent.


Sunday, July 28, 2013


I know, strange picture.

I am now reading the first book by Shelby Foote.  It is about the Civil War.  I have two of books on my Kindle and I will get the third next week.

It is a great book.  U. S. Grant is the only general for the Federals that will fight.  McClellan will not fight.

I am about 25% finished with this book. 

I watched the Ken Burns series on the Civil War on my computer. 

Not much else is a happening here. It is hot here.

Yesterday I went to Summer Fest. 


Monday, July 22, 2013

It hot here...

I just finished reading The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton.  I reading 168. 

I reading Gulp by Mary Roach. It is very good. I got from library.

It is hot here.

July 27 is Santiam SummerFest 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m. I go there.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Getting hotter here...

Hi again:

With hot here, this picture is for you.

If you run a small business then this e-book may for you. Short Cuts for Your Small Business.  It is at the Kindle store and sells for $2.99.  I edited this book.

I am reading The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday my Kindle.   It is good.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cooler today....

Happy 4th  to everyone:

I am now reading Under the Dome, but is a very book. It has 1,072 pages.

At 4:00 p.m. there is parade. I go parade. 

This picture is 2012. 


Sunday, June 30, 2013

So hot here today and for the rest of the week...

Hi again:
This picture is our State Capitol in Salem.

It is very hot here for the past few days and for the rest of this week..  I have my fan on.  I have air conditioner.

I am  reading And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. He author The Kite Runner.  It is very good.

On July 2 I go Salem for Jury.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tuesday today

I cannot get pictures now.

If you have a Kindle go the Amazon Kindle for four poems.

The first one is Creation, an Epic Poem, for $.99.00 cents.

The second one is Redemption, an Epic Poem, for $.99.00 cents.

The third one is Sanctification,, an Epic Poem  for $2.99

The four one  is Poems for the Spirit, for .$.99.00 cents.

I edited each of these poems and all are for sale on Amazon Kindle.

I finished reading Inferno, and it was a good book to read.  I finished it 3 days.

Now I am reading 3001, The Final Odyssey by Arthur Clarke. Frank Poole is in book.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Midweek now...

Hi again:

This picture is from Salem. You can see our State Capitol in the background.

I am now reading Inferno by Dan Brown.  A very interesting book taking place in Italy. 

I have this book on my Kindle. 

It has been hot here for the past two days.

I have two books waiting for me at our local library.

Today I will get some strawberries.  I will freeze all them for use later.

I am also reading 50 Shades of Grey.  Enough said about this book.


Friday, May 24, 2013


These are greyhounds dogs. 

I may get one after we buy the house.

I am now reading The Hit.  It is very good, so very good.

What are your plans for this long weekend?

Me, I will reading the book and Kindle.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mid-week today...

This is Kunming Lake, to west of Kunming, China.

It a big lake.

I am now reading Salt, Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us.  It is a great book about what is in most foods and that we want out of the our foods.

My next book will be The Hit, by David Baldacci.  He is fine writer and I read everything he writes.  He is the best mystery writer alive.

Not much happening here as it is raining today.


Monday, May 13, 2013


A sign of spring...

I am reading Ice Cold Kill.  Is good.

I have two other books from library.

My wife is Ghana. 

It hot 2 days.

Now it raining.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, Sunday so good to me...

Hi again:

Another snow picture on one of warmest days of this year.

I am still reading Uncommon Grounds and I am about half way through it.  I am into Hill's Brother and Maxwell House coffee in the book now.  Very poor coffees in my opinion.  Robusta coffee, which is so bad.

I tried to go Mass last night at 5:00 p.m. but it started at 4:00 yesterday in front of the St. Mary's Carnival which started at 5:00 p.m.     I did not go the Carnival last night as I was reading my book instead.

Not much happening here today.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

H today

Hi again:

This picture is from the 4th of July last year. 

I am now reading Uncommon Grounds, a history of coffee. I read this book about 15 years ago and everything is new to me.  I have this book on my Kindle.

Today I will mow the lawn.  It is quite high now, but I had to wait until 3 days for sun to dry out the lawn.

Not much else happening here these days.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mid week today....


This picture is from Blackdragon Park in Kunming China  It is a very nice park, but cold on the day we went there.

I finished reading Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power.  It is an excellent book and I highly recommend to everyone.  It is a long book, but ends about half way through it.  The rest are pictures of individuals and a lot of footnotes.

I have three library books that I will read next.

Not much else happening here today. I am waiting for two packages to arrive today or tomorrow.


Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday today....

Hi again:

This picture was from our parade last 4th of July.

I was hot that day but with a strong wind that was blowing that day.

This year my wife will be with me.

I am reading Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power.  I have it in my Kindle Fire and I am reading every day.

Not much else happening here.

I tried mowing the lawn here yesterday, but only go a small part of mowed after two hours. I will try again today to mow the lawn here.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday...

Happy Easter to Everyone Read this blog.

The picture here is of snow from a few months ago.  We had just a little snow this past winter.

I am now reading Postcards from Tomorrow's Square by James Fallows.  I am reading it for the articles on it are China. All of the articles are on China.

I am more than half way through this book on Kindle. I will finish it probably today.

I hope you enjoy this special day.  At Mass at 8:00 a.m,. the church was so filled.  Even the choir in the back of church was filled.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Good Friday today...

This picture is right down from my apartment in Kunming China.  The apartment building are very big in China.

I am watching Super Size Me, a movie about eating McDonald's for 30 days.  After this movie came out McDonald's stop offering super size.  Mississippi is the fattest state in the union.  One of four people there are way overweight.

I have not watched this movie for some time.  It is so funny.

I am now reading Book Lust about books that she reads.

Not much else happening here today, on Good Friday.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday once again....

Hi again:

This picture is my wife.  This picture was taken a few years ago as you can tell by the three stockings behind her.

Her hair is now blond, its natural color.

I keep saying next week she will be here but I don't know when she will arrive in Oregon. She has never been to Oregon at all.  So much to show her when she is here....

I am now reading Papal Sin by Garry Wills.  Like him I do not follow what the Pope tells us. Our new pope is way too conservative for me.  I don't know when we will ever get a liberal pope.  I hope it happens during my lifetime.

Five bars of gold are in England.  So as I pay the custom duty fee they will ship five bars to me.  I will sell two bars of gold (each bar weighs 2.2 pounds or 1 kilo).

I will save three bars of gold for the 84 bars of gold are sending to me after Helen comes.

Each bar of gold is worth $54,000 so I will go from being a poor man to a rich man.

We are buying a house when Helen arrives here. We have one picked out already.  I will show you some pictures after we buy that house.  I have some on my computer now, but it too early to show them to  you.

This is what happening with me now.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Tuesday, Tuesday so good to me....

This is what our church look on Christmas.

I just finishing reading Born On a Mountain Top On The Road With Davey Crockett and the Ghosts of the Wild Frontier.

A few lessons for the book.

1. Was he born a mountain top in Tennessee? No, he was born in a valley

2.  Did he kill a bear when he was 3? No, just part of the legend.

3.  Did he serve a term in Congress;  Yes.  Even though he was of the same party as Andrew Jackson, he opposed the president's policies.

4.  Did he die at the Alamo? Yes, a horrible death.  Half of the book is about his death.

If you are like me you first came to know Davey Crockett on Walt Disney show.  The three hours of Fess Parker.

There was movie with John Wayne I never saw.

It is a very good book and I recommend it to you if you want to read a great book.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday today

This picture you recognize.

I am now reading Priests Why, a Failed Tradition.  It is Garry Wills latest book and once again it is a good book. I have another history book I will read next. 

Not much else happening here today,

Today is my father's birthday.  I will call him soon. I got him four books from Amazon which will delivered over the next week.

March is the big birthday month. 


Thursday, February 28, 2013

the last day of February....

Hi again:

This picture is from the parade last year on the 4th of July.  It was very hot that day.

I am finishing up Why I am A Catholic.  A good history of the church by the author who wrote Papal Sins.  He does not believe in the pope and neither do I.  I don't care who the next pope will be.

I have a book here from our local library called Dogfight, the 2012 election told in verse.  It is very funny especially the stuff about the loser of the presidential race.

Five to ten bars of gold will be here next week.  Before Helen arrives here.

Not much else happening here.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, Monday, so good to me...

This picture is from a Kunming China garden I visited while there.

Not much happening here these days. 

I just re-read The Da Vinci Code over two days. 

Now I am reading Garry Wills book Why I am Catholic.  It is a great history of the church and why we did not have a pope until the 7th century. 

I have one other book here by Garry Wills and another waiting for me that our local library.  He started out as a conservative but now a flaming liberal like me.I saw him on C-Span 2 last weekend talking about his new book, The Priesthood, a Failed Tradition.  That is the book waiting me at the our local library. His other books I have is What the Gospels Meant.  Great to  be reading so much these days.

Reading and reading, my avocation.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


This picture is Kunming Lake.  It is a big lake next to the mountains of Kunming. 

I am now reading The Coming of the Third Reich, then it will be The Third Reich in Power and last book is The Third Reich at War.  I have 3 books on my Kindle.

I just finished reading Fast Food Nation again. I read it about 10 years ago and just re-read it.

Today is Sunday.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

H today...

This picture is my wife. I hope to see her next week.

I am now reading Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.  I like to read everything about China but I have no plans on ever going to go back to China.

This book is a long one, 743 pages.  So you know what I will be doing for the next few days. Reading and reading.

This morning I will be listening to seminar on ebooks.  It lasts one hour and comes from my computer.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ground Dog

Hi again:

This picture is from Church on Christmas day.

Nothing today.

I am reading on Kindle The Last Lion: Winston Spencer 1940-1965.

Helen will be week.


Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday again....

Hi again:

I figured out how to put pictures on this site from my pictures file. 

This picture is from the 4th of July parade last summer.  It was very hot that day with a strong wind.

I continue to read my Kindle. Now I am reading Wolf Hall, A Novel.  It is a very long novel so it will take me a few weeks to get through it. I have her second book on my Kindle Bring Up the Bodies.

Not much happening here.  I will give you an update on Helen in the coming days.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday again....

Hi again:

This page is making hard to get a picture.

So no picture today.

I am now reading Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power.
It is a library book so a real book for a change.

It has been cold here for the past few days. So cold I had to wear a coat outside.

Not much else happening here.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday, Sunday....

These are the peaches and applesauce I canned last summer.  I have eaten one jar of peaches and one jar and one jar of prunes.

I tried to get a Sunday Oregonian today but Safeway is out of them. I called Nolan in Portland and left him a message to buy me one there.

I have been watching TV all day today. 

I chatted with my wife only once today.  She probably tried to contact me when I was in Safeway.

I made my fourth batch of fudge a few days ago but I have not eaten any of it yet.

I go to Mass on Saturday evening here so my Sunday is free.
