Friday, August 19, 2011

Four more days....


Sorry for not writing much here the past few weeks.  This coming week I will be traveling for three days to get to China so no posting there.

I have spent today getting books loaded to my Kindle I want to read on the trip to China and while I am in China, I got both of Charles Mann's books, 1491 and 1493.  I also got Dreams of Joy by Lisa See.  I had this latter book on reserve at the library for a few months, but today I canceled it and bought for my Kindle.

I am glad to see there is a lawsuit against Apple and the big publishers now  Hardly no ebook is priced at $9.99 anymore.  The three ebooks I got today were priced at $11.99, $14.99 and $12.99, prices all set "by the publisher." 

The picture here is the last entry in our 4th of July parade, a fire truck that spayed water over everyone there. It sure felt good to get a mist of spray on this hot day.

No more library books for me. All of my reading is now on my Kindle.

Today I read an article I put on my Kindle last month, called Where are All the Girls?   Too much sex selection by parents in India and China now.  I know some places in China the ratio of men to women is 110 to 100.  In the countryside the ratio is even higher at 130 men to every 100 women.  An entire generation of men in China and India will not be able to find wives among the native population.

Another article I read on my Kindle is the Chinese Babe Tax, a funny way for China to raise some money by taxing Americans and westerners who take Chinese women away from China.

Have a great weekend.

Labor Day is coming. What are your plans for that extended weekend?



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

13 days to go...

Hi again:

I have not been posting here very much. I will do better once I get to China in 13 days.

The picture here is wind-up Nash Rambler.  It runs on a small engine.

This picture is from the old car show during Summerfest.  Many old cars there.

I leave here on August 23.  I get to China on August 25.  I cannot sleep on the plane so I will be up from late night on August 23 until I get to China mid-day on August 25. 

I am reading Buried Secrets and I will finish it later tonight. It is page-turner now. 

I cancelled most of my book reservations at the library.  I have one other library book here, but if read it and then will read books on my Kindle. 

I am not taking many books with me to China this time.  I have over 1,300 books and magazine articles on my Kindle now. More than enough to read here, read on the plane, and read in China.

Hope your week is going well.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

U today...


Sorry for not posting as much as I want to these days. 

I am heading to China three weeks from today. So much to do here before I leave.

The picture here an older car that was at the car show at Summerfest.

I renewed my driver's license today,. I had to take 3 trips to the local DMV office.  My first trip was a bust as I forgot to take my checkbook.  My second trip there was unsuccessful due to not having my passport and Social Security card with me. My third trip there was successful in that I had everything with me.  I got my temporary license now; my permanent license comes here in about a week. 

Once I get my permanent driver's license, I will to AAA to get my International Driver's License, which China now recognizes. 

I am now reading Buried Secrets by Joseph Finder.  I am only getting into it now.  It is due the day I leave here.  But I will have it finished well before that.

Hope your week goes well.
